Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Etapa 2 beginning - Stem - Changing Verbs

Many verbs have a stem change in the boot, which you'll see below, going from e to ie, and o to ue in the present tense.
Recomendar - to recommend
recomiendo recomendamos
recomienda recomiendan
*Note that the highlighted verbs form the mild shape of a boot, thus the name boot verbs. It is only inside this boot that the verb stem changes, as in, not in the nosotros form.
**Recomendar is an e to ie verb.

Mostrar - to show
muestro mostramos
muestra muestran
*Mostrar is an o to ue verb

Other spanish verbss have stems that alternate between e and i, such as competir, to compete; pedir, to ask for; repetir, to repeat; and servir, to serve.

Servir - to serve
sirvo servimos
sirve sirven

The last type of stem changing verbs is u to ue.
Jugar - to play
juego jugamos
juega juegan

As always, question or comment at will.

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