Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pronoun Placement

Where do you put direct or indirect object pronouns? Sometimes they are placed before the verb, and sometimes they attach to the verb.

If the verb is conjugated then put the pronoun before the verb.
Ex: Sus consejos nos ayudaron mucho.
Your advice helped us a lot.

If there are two verbs then you can put the pronoun before the conjugated verb or attach it to the infinitive/-ndo form.
Ex: La voy a entrevistar.
I am going to interview her.

Estábamos mirándolo el sábado pasado.
We were watching it last Saturday.

*Nota Gramática:
The verb deber is used with an infinitive to say that someone should or ought to do something.
Ex: Debes tomar apuntes.
You should take notes.

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