Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Irregular Preterites - Part 2

The verbs ir, ser, and hacer, which are all frequently used, are irregular in the preterite.
*Note that ir and ser have the same forms of irregular verbs, you have to use your context to determine which verb it is

ir ser hacer
yo fui fui hice
fuiste fuiste hiciste
usted fue fue hizo
*Note that hacer has a unique usted preterite, with the z. This is something you have to memorize
nosotros fuimos fuimos hicimos
ustedes fueron fueron hicieron

The verbs dar and ver take a regular -er/-ir past tense endings, but have no written accent marks

yo di/vi
tú diste/viste
usted dio/vio
nosotros dimos/vimos
ustedes dieron/vieron

*Note that all of these preterites have no accents, don't make it overly complicated

As a reminder, don't be afraid to correct me or ask a question, just leave a comment and I'll respond within 24 hours.

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