Monday, December 15, 2008

Reflexive Pronouns and Verbs

You canuse direct object pronouns (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las) with verbs. For example, if a girl is hiding a doll behind a tree, she would say:

La escondo.
I'm hiding it. *Note that the subject yo and the direct object la are different, because yo is universal, and la refers to the doll, or muñeca.

Reflexive verbs take a special pronoun called a reflexive pronoun. While the usual direct object is different from the subject, a reflexive pronoun is the same person, place, or thing as the subject.
Me escondo.
I'm hiding (myself). *Note that the subject (yo) and the direct object (me) are the same person; you call this object reflexive.

Reflexive pronouns
Yo: me escondo
Tú: te escondes
Usted: se esconde
Nosotros: nos escondemos
Ustedes: es esconden

A verb reflexively tells you that only the subject of the verb is involved in the action. When using a reflexive verb in the infinitive form, attach the pronoun to the infinitive.
Vamos a pelearnos por el cuaderno.
We are going to fight over the notebook.

Vocabulary Break!
Reflexive Verbs:
aburrirse: to get bored
asustarse de: to be scared of
caerse: to fall down
cansarse: to get tired
darse cuenta de: to realize
despedirse (e-i, i) de: to say goodbye to
disculparse: to apologize
divertirse (e-ie, i): to enjoy oneself
enojarse con: to get angry with
portarse bien/mal: to behave well/badly
preocuparse por: to be worried about
reunirse: to get together
sentirse (e-ie,i): to feel

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